Getting Started

# Getting Started with running SRI - Stratum v2 reference implementation

This document aims to assist users in deploying the SRI software stack efficiently. Stratum v2 as a protocol is flexible, and allows users to run multiple configurations. In the getting started guide, we’re focusing on running roles (opens new window) which allow miners to construct their own block templates.


# Prerequisites

Rust installed on your machine. If it's not:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

There are two primary ways to use all roles:

  • Run certain roles and connecting to our community-hosted roles. (The easiest way to test SRI)
  • Run all roles (Recommended way)

# I Getting Started - The easiest way

Objective: Give Stratum v2 a try, mine blocks on the testnet with minimal setup.

  • Community-hosted roles used: SV2 Pool, testnet Template Provider, and Job Declarator Server.
  • Self-hosted roles to run: Job Declarator Client (JDC) and Translator Proxy.

# Step 1: Setup and Configuration

# Clone the repository

git clone

# Run Job Declarator Client (JDC)

cd roles/jd-client/config-examples/
cargo run -- -c jdc-config-hosted-example.toml

# Run Translator Proxy

cd roles/translator/config-examples/
cargo run -- -c tproxy-config-local-jdc-example.toml

# Connect mining devices

Connect mining device - Translator Proxy will be running on port 34255, so you will need just to edit your mining device(s) configuration, adding the line:

stratum+tcp://<tProxy ip>:34255

# CPU Miner

If you don't have a physical miner, you can do tests with CPUMiner.

Setup the correct CPUMiner for your OS:

On the CPUMiner directory:

./minerd -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp://localhost:34255 -q -D -P

# Adjust proxy-config (optional)

Depending on mining device you do run, you may have to adjust tproxy-config-local-jdc-example.toml file in order to adjust the min_individual_miner_hashrate and channel_nominal_hashrate parameters accordingly

# II Getting Started - Running all roles

Objective: Establish a complete, self-hosted Stratum V2 environment for comprehensive testing and deeper understanding of all components.

# Step 1: Setup and Configuration

# Run Template Provider

Download a release from Sjors' fork of Bitcoin Core from

Edit the bitcoin.conf file by adding:


Run the Template provider:

./bitcoin-sv2-tp-0.1.2/bin/bitcoind -sv2 -sv2port=8442 -debug=sv2 

Optional paremeters:

There are optional parameters which can be used to better manage the Template Provider:

  • sv2interval - sets how often a new template is built (default is 30s)
  • sv2feedelta - defines the delta fees to reach before sending new templates to downstreams (default is 1000 sats)
  • loglevel=sv2:trace to get more detailed debugging

For example:

./bitcoin-sv2-tp-0.1.2/bin/bitcoind -sv2 -sv2port=8442 -sv2interval=20 -sv2feedelta=1000 -debug=sv2 -loglevel=sv2:trace

This way new templates are constructed every 20 seconds (taking the most profitable txs from the mempool) and they are sent downstream if new fees collected are more than 1000 sats.

# Clone the repository

git clone

# Run the SV2 Pool

cd roles/pool/config-examples
cargo run -- -c pool-config-local-tp-example.toml

# Run the Job Declarator Server (JDS)

cd roles/jd-server/config-examples
cargo run -- -c jds-config-local-example.toml

# Run Job Declarator Client (JDC)

cd roles/jd-client/config-examples/
cargo run -- -c jdc-config-local-example.toml

# Run Translator Proxy

cd roles/translator/config-examples/
cargo run -- -c tproxy-config-local-jdc-example.toml

# Connect Mining Devices

Connect mining device - Translator Proxy will be running on port 34255, so you will need just to edit your mining device(s) configuration, adding the line:

stratum+tcp://<tProxy ip>:34255

# CPU Miner

If you don't have a physical miner, you can do tests with CPUMiner.

Setup the correct CPUMiner for your OS:

On the CPUMiner directory:

./minerd -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp://localhost:34255 -q -D -P

# III Final Step: monitoring for blocks

Once set up, monitor the machines and role logs for any valid blocks found.

Following pictures detail the logs from tProxy, JDC, and Pool when a block is found.

Pool logs

SRI Pool

Job Declarator Client (JDC) logs


Translation Proxy tProxy logs

SRI tProxy

# Monitor for mined blocks on Testnet

If you didn’t change anything in the configuration files present in every role subdirectory, the valid block mined will be recognized by the string Stratum v2 SRI Pool (0x5374726174756d2076322053524920506f6f6c) inserted into the scriptSig of the coinbase tx input.

A way to look for it is to check the address tb1qa0sm0hxzj0x25rh8gw5xlzwlsfvvyz8u96w3p8 since the default coinbase output is configured to be a P2WPKH built with a public key = 036adc3bdf21e6f9a0f0fb0066bf517e5b7909ed1563d6958a10993849a7554075

You can perform a search on one of the following block explorers:

# IV Customizing configuration

# Customize the “pool_signature” string

To customize the string which is inserted into the scriptSig of the coinbase tx input, you need to run every role locally. To make changes, edit the pool_signature field present in:

  • roles/pool/config-examples/pool-config-local-tp-example.toml
  • roles/jd-client/jd-client-config.toml

Double check that the strings are equal and that you save your changes in both configuration files!

# Customize the coinbase tx output script

To customize the coinbase tx output script, you need to run every role locally. To make changes, edit the coinbase_output field present in:

  • roles/jd-client/config-examples/jdc-config-local-example.toml
  • roles/jd-server/jd-server-config.toml

You can use any of the following script types: P2PK,P2PKH, P2WPKH, P2SH, P2WSH, P2TR. In case a public key is required, as explained in the config files, you can start by creating a testnet wallet on mobile, using Green wallet, or a desktop one, using Electrum wallet, and extract the extended public key they provide. At this point, you can derive the child public key to use in the configuration files, using this script (opens new window).

# Community support

If you get any issue during testing phase, feel free to join our community Discord (opens new window) to get community support or file a bug report on GitHub (opens new window).